
Product Description

The MicroGCI-2019 industrial micro GC-type gas chromatograph- for industrial applications.

The laboratory needs are not the same as those of the industry. Therefore, another option proposed by GC Instruments is the possibility of modifying the training gas chromatograph to the industrial version – a micro GC device dedicated for industrial applications in order to adapt to the specific needs of a control room or production plant.

This version of the chromatograph differs from the training version mainly due to the casing, adapted to a rack-mountable microGC analyzer, although it is also possible to make the free-standing (desk-top) version. The design of the device is a closed structure, without the possibility of easy interference inside the unit. The MicroGCI-2019 analyzer is a solid

The device consists of three modules: injector, oven with column and detector.

Unlike the training chromatograph, however, the industrial version is equipped with a different (than on-column) dosing system. The sample is delivered to the column through a six-way valve, with an independent electric drive, a dosing loop and pressure equalizing solenoid valves. Thanks to this solution it is possible to collect a sample directly from an industrial installation (from a pipeline, tank, etc.) in a cyclical (on-line measurement) and maintenance-free (automated) manner.

The oven module with the column, as in the case of the training gas chromatograph, is equipped with an air circulation system. It is also characterized by a compact design, ensuring the mobility of the device. The oven also has the option of fast cooling, thanks to which it was possible to shorten the time of analysis.

The last module of the device is a thermostated thermoconductometric detector – TCD applied prior of its universality enabling the detection of all gases, as well as because of the simplicity of design. It is also a two-channel detector that allows savings in the amount of carrier gas consumed (about 50%).

The MicroGCI-2019 industrial chromatograph can be operated via three integrated interfaces:

  1. Convenient 7” touch display
  2. Through a web browser and via
  3. A dedicated graphic application prepared for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Moreover, the device is equipped with a built-in support for Ethernet and Wi-Fi networks, which allows remote control of the sample analysis process. The user interface allows flexible creation of the heating curve during the course of the test and enables smooth control of the detector signal amplification. Finally, generated data can be also exported to external software, simplifying the analysis of collected data.

What more, the MicroGCI device can be configured at the production stage for the analysis of specific components. Proposed sample configurations are the following:

1) Hydrogen purity analyzer;

2) CO, CO2, CH4, H2, O2, N2 analyzer;

3) Oxygen analyzer;

4) Analyzer of C1-C5 hydrocarbons.

Thanks to attractive, modern design, ease of use, affordable price and technical support these devices have a chance to become a bestseller!


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