GCI-2019 Training gas chromatograph

The GC Instruments produces simple training chromatographs equipped with a thermal-conductivity detector (TCD). This type of device is used for training purposes for pupils and students, as well as in industry as an accurate portable gas analyzer. Therefore, the GC Instruments company proposes a simple device, consisting of several modules (sample, furnace, column and detector), easy to self-assemble in order to better understand the GC technology. The chromatograph designed by GC Instruments is a Polish product, easy to use, available at a much lower price than the products of competing companies. Moreover, GC Instruments has developed an additional option to modify the training chromatograph for a unit of industrial importance. Devices equipped with a liquid crystal touch screen, configured at the production stage to analyze specific components. For the industry, appliances can work as gas analyzers, not chromatographs. The proposed example configurations are the following: hydrogen purity analyzer; CO, CO2, CH4, H2, O2, N2 analyzer; oxygen analyzer as well as analyzer of C1-C5 hydrocarbons. Thanks to its attractive, modern design, ease of use, affordable price and available in Poland service base and technical support these devices have a chance to become a bestseller!

Product Description

The training gas chromatograph developed by GC Instruments was created mainly for users getting acquainted with the gas chromatography technique. It is a ready-to-implement product that should be on the equipment of every teaching laboratory. The friendly interface of the dedicated software allows for easy operation, and the aesthetically made modular construction of the device fits into the latest trends in the design of laboratory devices. The whole device is enclosed in a stainless-steel casing, which more than a timeless appearance guarantees the resistance of the device to mechanical damage as well as to those of a chemical origin. The device consists of three modules: injector, oven with column and detector. The device uses an on-column type injector, which is a standard solution applied in gas analysis, allowing the whole sample to be dosed directly onto the column, which is its undoubted advantage. In addition, thanks to the simple design it is practically trouble-free solution – which is especially important when unexperienced users operate the device. The only replaceable element of the device is septa (membrane).

The oven module with a column is equipped with an air circulation system standard in this type of equipment. The undoubted advantage of this module are its compact dimensions, which, apart from greater mobility of the device, enabling more efficient transport, e.g. to the place of sampling for analysis, also gives the opportunity to place more devices on a usually limited laboratory space. The oven is also equipped with the option of fast cooling, thanks to which the time of analysis was significantly reduced. The last module of the device is a thermostated detector. In this case, it was decided to use a thermoconductometric detector (TCD) due to its universality, resulting from its ability to detect all gases, as well as due to its structural simplicity. The thermoconductometric detector is a two-channel detector – consisting of a measuring channel and a reference channel. The reference channel is powered by prior the injector gas. The whole device uses a pneumatic system based on a pressure regulator. The carrier gas leaving the regulator goes to the detector reference channel, then goes to the injector, to finally return to the detector measuring channel- through the column- as the eluate. This solution distinguishes it from the most commonly used ones, where the carrier gas is lost after passing the column. The use of such a solution enabled significant carrier gas savings to be achieved – for one analysis, about 50% of consumption compared to conventional applications.

In terms of operation, the device is equipped with user-friendly intuitive software, created specifically for the need to operate the proposed solution.


The GCI-2019 training chromatograph can be operated via three integrated interfaces:

  1. A convenient 7” touch display
  2. Through a web browser as well as with help of
  3. A dedicated graphic application prepared for Windows, Mac and Linux.

In addition, the device has a built-in support for Ethernet and Wi-Fi networks, which allows remote control of the sample analysis process.

The user interface allows flexible creation of the heating curve during the course of the test and enables smooth control of the detector signal amplification.

The generated data can be conveniently exported to external software that allows the analysis of collected data.

Unlike specialized devices available on the market, the training chromatograph allows you to clearly present the process and facilitate the understanding of training participants. The use of a training gas chromatograph eliminates the problems caused by specialized devices of this type, in which the complicated construction may hinder the proper reception of the conducted process.

In combination with its attractive low price, the proposed training chromatograph is a “must have” in every analytical laboratory with a teaching offer.


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